Dosbarth Gwyrdd - Mrs McCumiskey and Miss Seale
Welcome to Dosbarth Gwyrdd!
In Dosbarth Gwyrdd, our dedicated and highly skilled team aim to support each and every pupil to develop to their fullest potential as well as capture and celebrate every moment of learning that happens along the way! We engage the children in their learning through a range of experiences and fun activities, with a focus on developing communication, life skills and independence. This half term, our theme is 'I can shine' where we will be focusing on the Health and Wellbeing AOLE.
Here are a few examples of how we promote communication in Dosbarth Gwyrdd:
- Switches
- Eye gazing
- Sign Along
- Facial expressions
- Visuals/ Widget symbols
- Photographs
- Objects of reference
In order to fully meet the varying needs of the children within our class, we work very closely with a range of different professionals. These include, but are not limited to:
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Multi Sensory Impairment Teacher
- Specially Qualified Teacher for the Visually Impaired
- Physiotherapists
- School Nursing Team
- Educational Psychologists
Experiences and Life Skills
We aim to give the children many opportunities and experiences to develop their life skills and these include:
- Trips and visits on our school minibus
- Visiting the local community
- Hydrotherapy
- Swimming
- Horse Riding
- Bike Ability
Interventions and Programmes
The following sessions are delivered on a regular basis:
Baby Beats
Tac Pac
Sensory Stories and poems
Story Massage
Dance Massage
Positive Looking/ Vision
Intensive Interaction
Body Brushing
Sensory Art
Sensory Cooking
PMLD Mindfulness
Motor Development
Here is a timetable of our weekly afternoon activities:
Monday | Sensory Art |
Tuesday | Walk in the local community |
Wednesday | Sensory Cooking |
Thursday | PE/ Dance |
Friday | Golden Time |
Daily Timetable
Communication with parents is extremely important to us and we also like to share our learning experiences via the Class Dojo app. We use Class Dojo to keep everyone up-to date and more recently, parents are able to view their child’s individual portfolio of learning.
Please feel free to contact us via phone, email or the Class Dojo app if you have any questions!
Mrs McCumiskey and Miss Seale